App protection (also called MAM) policies have been around for a couple of years within MEM and I already used them in various projects to protect company data on unmanaged iOS and Android devices. One of the drawbacks with this approach is that we do not have full visibility about the usage and I tried to shed some light about this with a PowerShel reporting script that pulls data from the Microsoft Graph API.

Information visible within the portal

In the MEM portal we can find report data about the number of users that have checked-in to any MAM policy grouped by the respective app.

Intune MAM insights

If we want to perform a wipe we will also be able to see the devices a user has registered:

MAM wipe

Of course I was curious which additional data is available on the Microsoft Graph API and found the following resource storing app protection policy check in details: /users/{ID}/managedAppRegistrations.


The script uses the Intune PowerShell SDK (could easily be ported to MSAL.PS because I wrote it already a couple of months ago) to enumerate all internal users within the tenant and will check the above mentioned managedAppRegistrations resource. At the end you are presented a flattened CSV report containig the following details: